Today I show you how I made the ultimate UV gel base for coming Christmas.
Once the nails are thoroughly cleaned, file them will again. The gel layer has to be detached and any irregularities must be removed. With a cellulose swab and a non-acetone remover you make the nails completely clean.

You should almost eat Red Kiss UV Metallic Gel of Nailways. It's like a red candy. It comes in a black jar with a pretty solid seal. First remove carefully with a knife the silver seal. The gel mixes very well.
With a gel brush you apply the gel at the nail. This is going very differently than with nail polish. Soon you have too much UV gel on the brush. But you can always smear it on a nail that you must do next. This is for me the easiest way to do it. It is best to dip the brush in the gel, you get a kind of thread, hold, and wait for the thread releases. You can let the gel tread fall from the top down to the center of the nail. Divide evenly over the nail. First one hand. Two minutes to harden under the UV lamp.
Remove the adhesive layer with a non-acetone remover. Then do the other hand. Sometimes it's easier to do the hand which is the hardest to do first. I'm right-handed so I do first my right hand, because left I have less control. You then, if your concentration is less, only have to do the "easy" hand.
I now have a perfect basis for some Christmas nail art. Because I can make all kinds of nail arts at this red base until my nails have grown to long. But these nail arts I show you a next time. So stay tuned and check regularly the Nailways blog!
Until next time!
Maaike Janssen
Used Nailways products:
Nailways Zebra Banana Nail File - 100/180 grit (5 pieces)
Nailways Celstofdeppers reels (500 pieces)
Nailways UV GEL METALLIC - Red Kiss
Nailways 7-piece Professional Crystals Brushes set
Nailways 36 Watt UV Lamp - White
Fast & Easy - Finishing Wipe
Used Nailways products:
Nailways Zebra Banana Nail File - 100/180 grit (5 pieces)
Nailways Celstofdeppers reels (500 pieces)
Nailways UV GEL METALLIC - Red Kiss
Nailways 7-piece Professional Crystals Brushes set
Nailways 36 Watt UV Lamp - White
Fast & Easy - Finishing Wipe
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